
FM Hamish Olson


Games Stats Summary

Opponent (Grade)Res
William Bennett (2037)½
Pavlos Bozinakis (2306)½
Raj Bhopal (2039)1
Craig W Pritchett (2118)1
Andrew B Burnett (2274)½
Jonathan I M Grant (2159)1
Jorge Blanco (2192)1
Keith Ruxton (2379)1
Timofei Krassel (2083)1
Kenny R McGeoch (2039)1
Joe Redpath (2220)½
Timofei Krassel (2083)½
Slaby, Jerzy (2469)½
Csonka, Balazs (2491)½
Wells, Peter K (2343)½
Ansell, Simon T (2330)1
Murphy, Conor E (2487)1
Ashton, Adam G (2295)1
Li, Henry (2289)0
Gallana, Marco (2284)½
Royal, Shreyas (2404)½
Declan Shafi (2132)0
Charles Gunn-Russell (1937)1
Name [Pnum]StatGrade
4William Bennett [7570]-2037B½
9Pavlos Bozinakis [22164]-2306W½
14Raj Bhopal [22894]-2039B1
20Craig W Pritchett [5684]-2118W1
24Andrew B Burnett [3349]-2274B½
1Jonathan I M Grant [4168]-2159B1
4Jorge Blanco [30001]-2192W1
7Keith Ruxton [5884]-2379W1
9Timofei Krassel [31611]J192083B1
11Kenny R McGeoch [14326]-2039W1
18Joe Redpath [8350]-2220W½
23Timofei Krassel [31611]J192083W½
1Slaby, Jerzy2469W½
2Csonka, Balazs2491B½
1Wells, Peter K2343B½
2Ansell, Simon T2330W1
1Murphy, Conor E2487B1
2Ashton, Adam G2295W1
1Li, Henry2289W0
1Gallana, Marco2284B½
2Royal, Shreyas2404W½
1Declan Shafi [19640]-2132W0
3Charles Gunn-Russell [15014]-1937B1
Name [Pnum]StatPubAdjUsed
4William Bennett [7570]-203720372037B0.851½
9Pavlos Bozinakis [22164]-230623062306W0.542½
14Raj Bhopal [22894]-203920392039B0.8511
20Craig W Pritchett [5684]-211821182118W0.7771
24Andrew B Burnett [3349]-227422742274B0.591½
1Jonathan I M Grant [4168]-215921592159B0.7351
4Jorge Blanco [30001]-219221922192W0.6931
7Keith Ruxton [5884]-237923792379W0.4441
9Timofei Krassel [31611]J19203820732083B0.8131
11Kenny R McGeoch [14326]-203920392039W0.8511
18Joe Redpath [8350]-222022202220W0.656½
23Timofei Krassel [31611]J19203820732083W0.813½
1Slaby, Jerzy246924692469W0.324½
2Csonka, Balazs249124912491B0.295½
1Wells, Peter K234323432343B0.493½
2Ansell, Simon T233023302330W0.5071
1Murphy, Conor E248724872487B0.3011
2Ashton, Adam G229522952295W0.5561
1Li, Henry228922892289W0.570
1Gallana, Marco228422842284B0.577½
2Royal, Shreyas240424042404W0.409½
1Declan Shafi [19640]-213221322132W0.7620
3Charles Gunn-Russell [15014]-176317631937B0.9181

Members Only

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