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AGM proposals
amuir Wrote:Predictions for 2016
1. Danish player Jacob Aagaard wins the Scottish Championship. Mark Orr finishes second.
2. England win the Glorney Cup again. Scotland finish last.
3. Matt Turner stops training Scottish Juniors.
4. Several English GMs qualify for Olympiad team on grandparent rule.Selector oversight director makes changes to Olympiad squad to get his own person in the team.
5. A lazy director fails to attend any meetings or do any work. He refuses to leave without financial compensation.
6. The SGM is held on a weekday morning with an attendance of 10 people. The new constitution is passed unanimously..

Oh go on, I'll bite...

1. Look at CS history, it has happened before. Jacob is eligible (and has done more for Chess in Scotland than the complainant!)
2. England population 45 million, Scotland 5. They have a bit of an advantage.
3. Matt is entitled to do whatever he wants. He has performed a great service to us over the years. If he did, it would be a loss but he would do so with our thanks and gratitude
4. We don't have a selector oversight director. One is needed after the farce of the Olympiad Captain selection
5. SGM can be called to remove a director. They can refuse all they want!
6. Well I would not be able to be there either, that takes it down to 9... No the SGM will not be called midweek details to follow...
"How sad to see, what used to be, a model of decorum and tranquility become like any other sport, a battleground for rival ideologies to slug it out with glee"

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