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Fantastic event. Thoroughly enjoyed playing and spectating. Well done to all the prize winners. Do we have to wait a whole year for the next one? I'll be booking my holidays from work as soon as the 2013 dates are official. A huge thank you to Alex and his team for organising and to our generous benefactor who made it possible.
David G Congalton Wrote:Do we have to wait a whole year for the next one?
Yes! it will take that long to recover from this!!
What? You are not going to be involved in the Glorney/Faber, British or Classic in the meantime?
Shame on you, you slacker. ;P ;P ;P
Nope, I am taking a couple of months off to relax. I think next event is the Lothians Congress!
Andy - Relax - Think that's a potential incompatibility issue.

Give him a break guys.
He is still recovering from the Honest Men puting four past the Steelmen on Saturday. ;P
Well done to the winners, organisers ... and indeed everyone who took part. And perhaps especially to Jacob for winning the venerable old trophy!
FIDE Rating report now uploaded <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
Any errors - pls contact <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->
I feel for Donald Holmes, leading the championship and having to withdraw, having never won it.
Congratulations to Jacob on a deserved win.
However to give Donald a better chance next year can we make it more Scottish ?
e.g. the winner must have the SCO code on their FIDE rating.
Happy to propose at AGM if someone will second.
amuir Wrote:I feel for Donald Holmes, leading the championship and having to withdraw, having never won it.
Congratulations to Jacob on a deserved win.
However to give Donald a better chance next year can we make it more Scottish ?
e.g. the winner must have the SCO code on their FIDE rating.
Happy to propose at AGM if someone will second.
I WOULD second you on this one Andy, but fear I might be stricken by some dreadful disease for agreeing with you! ;P
I'm not sure what the general consensus of opinion is on the residency rule - the earlier thread it was discussed in was all over the place. I still think it needs to be seriously examined at the very least - Jacob was a deserved winner this year as the rules stand, but it still doesn't sit right with me that you can have your cake and eat it. :\
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