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Scots do well in World Seniors at Katerini, Greece
In the recent World Seniors Craig Pritchett (in the Over 65) finished 5th= on 7.5/11, 1/2 point behind the winners. Though he defeated GM Evgeni Vasiukov (who I believe gave a simul in the Polytechnic in the 80s) in the last round, it might have been even better - crucially perhaps Craig made a simple blunder against fellow IM Zelnin while on 4.5/6.

Also creditable performances from David Findlay 9= in the Over 50s with 6.5/11 and Alan Borwell (5.5 in the O65), all three picking up ELO points. +

Couldn’t tell with Phil Giulian’s result, with the ELO table apparently disagreeing with the tournament table

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I know Vasiukov, gave a simul in Glasgow in late 60s or early 70s, check the Hastings records.
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