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FIDE - New Player Licences
Just found this on the ECF.

"Roger de Coverly ยป Fri Feb 01, 2013 12:54 pm

Sean Hewitt wrote:
but it is a FIDE requirement that you have to be a member of your national federation (if the federation has a membership scheme) to appear in the FIDE rating list.

Actually that's disputed.

Chess Scotland specifically asked this question. They have a membership scheme but not a compulsory one. They asked if they needed to insist on membership as a condition of play to have their national league rated. The FIDE answer of a couple of years ago was that they didn't, membership being interpreted in the loose sense of listed with. FIDE being a federation of chess bodies doesn't offer individual membership unlike the ECF, also a federation of chess bodies. So when a Federation is suspended from FIDE for non payment, individual players from that Federation temporarily lose their ratings and cannot rectify the matter by joining FIDE as individuals.

Isn't the FIDE Registration scheme another attempt to get those federations like Scotland or Australia who don't have mandatory individual membership, to introduce it?"

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