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Interesting feedback guys.

Bound to be improvements available since I only had around an hour and a half available to get it written.

Fully agree with Ronnie's rewording suggestion - much better phrasing than FIDE's large committee.

JIm found a grammatical error in a sentence I wrote .... oops

Looking the whole of it tonight I would totally strike out paragraph 6

Arbiters shall be particularly aware of those articles in the Laws which impinge on disabled players. These include 4.9, 6.2e, 6.5, 8.1e, 8.4, 11.3b, 12.2f, Appendix D.

(a) These requirements are essentially already covered in the document.
apart from the start of Appendix D which dictates that the second set used by a visually impaired opponent should be at least 20cm by 20cm. Hard to imagine an arbiter punishing a such a player for having a set that is too small - or have I missed something here.
(b) This should be a stand alone document - to encourage its use.
© Those paragraph numbers apply only to the version of the Laws of Chess introduced in July 2014; paragraph numbering changed from the 2010 version and no doubt will change again in 2018.

If anyone wants to take this rapidly improving document and propose it at the agm ..........don't worry about copyright - I didn't.

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