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Patrick McGovern Wrote:David Deary;
Quote: What troubles me is the glee that certain posters take in tearing things to shreds, inventing doomsday scenarios and zombie apocalypses without so much as a constructive comment... I don't think its unreasonable to expect people to be constructive.

Quote:The more fanciful scenarios dreamed up, I feel, only serve to obscure the real issues by taking attention away from them.

The examples I gave were not scenarios but actual events that happened in Ayrshire chess, David it happened to our club Greenwood. We have been on the receiving end of unreasonable demands from a disabled player.
and finally;


this is anecdotal evidence from just one of the two parties involved.
Did this matter get referred to the standards committee?
Did this matter get referred to the Ayrshire equivalent and get resolved in your favour?
Are the facts agreed by the disabled player?
Had Andy Howie been the proposer rather then the seconder of this motion would he have encountered such hostility?

Please stop using the notice board to act as judge and jury for historical incidents.

Can you bring yourself around to agree with my suggestion that one part of the motion should be amended to read

No one has the right to refuse to meet a player against whom he has been correctly paired.

if Pat is unable to do so can I publish some recent real facts about a recent incident in which a player refused to play me and was allowed to get the correct draw changed and obtain a much weaker opponent to play ?

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