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AGM Candidates
I have been disappointed with Hamish as a President for the following reasons:

1. Lack of visibility. I have not seen him at any congress or junior event during the year. Perhaps he has been at some but I'm certainly not aware of it. A President should be seen at events throughoput the year.

2. Unwillingness to engage with members. He failed to address points raised in emails to him and is even unwilling to spend 5 minutes joining the forum to put forward his plans for next year. He is also only doing it as a response to Steve’s post. That suggests a continued unwillingness to engage.

3. Failure to carry out last year’s pledges of “To progress CS, 2. To work closely with the Adults and Juniors to further these aims. 3, To fix the constitution.” I fail to see any attempt to do any of that, and therefore can’t have confidence that he would try and carry out any of this year’s pledges.

4. His failure to follow the existing constitution. He blocked 2 people’s membership which was ultra vires and he had to apologise for it, and is blocking the two agenda points highlighted by Robert, with no apparent constitutional back-up.

5. His failure to resolve conflicts. Many of the conflicts arising over the past 9 months could have been nipped in the bud by a proactive president who engaged with all parties before things got out of hand.

6. His censorship of issues. Linda McCusker submitted a report which she then amended as requested by Hamish but he still refuses the CS membership sight of the report. Any posts critical of him on the forum were quickly removed as well.

I believe CS has been weakened over the past 12 months and I can only see more people being driven away from CS if Hamish continues with the same approach and as such I will be voting for Steve.

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