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Tromso Olympiad 2014
amuir Wrote:"Great, it seems we all agree that the ID should not solely choose the captain. So why don't we do that THIS time? Can we ask our president nicely to select a panel, applications get sent to him by a certain date, the panel selects the captain.
To me, that seems fair. Then if Andy is selected, he goes and if he doesn't, then there will have to be a name-change on his flight (a small price to pay in comparison with the whole budget). Then the matter would be resolved, and this topic would end."

David, candidates should have put them self forward at the last AGM, not now, or at least before Jonathan Grant contacted me. After John agreed to make the best of it, I booked and paid my flights, no insurance was taken out. Everything has a deadline. Flights at the same route will now cost over £300. The panel will not work, the losers will still complain even after that. I see they are starting to complain about Ally McCoist now. It is impossible to please everyone.

There is barely a shred of logical thought in any of your recent posts here Andy. Are you saying that prospective captains should have made themselves known at the last AGM? (Which, if I remember correctly, was a few months after you had discussed rooming arrangements in Tromso for your captaincy).

Before Jonathan Grant contacted you? Exactly when did you inform us about that? A few weeks ago! How on earth should anybody know when to contact you or what was happening re: Jonathan and yourself?

John quite clearly only agreed that you had decided to make yourself captain and that's all. You were perfectly well aware that several others were unhappy about your self-selection (not because you weren't allowed to do so, but because they didn't consider you to be in almost any way suitable for the task).

Your decision to stand as ID again this year clearly shows the lack of self-awareness which any person in your role needs to have. Your veracity is also extremely questionable given your recent replies here - another serious flaw in anyone seeking re-election to any post within CS.

Also, publicly stating that Alan Tate's selection provoked criticism is completely out of order for someone in your position.

I could go on, but there seems very little point anymore given your complete inability to question your own motives and actions. Just what WOULD it take for you to step down as captain? All the players refusing to go?

This entire situation is deplorable, and it all almost entirely stems from yourself Andy. Please go away and re-think what you have done/said/are doing. YOU have the solution to this situation.

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