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MacIsaac and Nancy Elder
Well, we have a sudden avalanches of suggestions - thank you all. Further contributions would be very welcome.

It is now mid-Saturday evening and as I am starting to wind down a little forgive me if I don't reply to all the points above but I will throw down some early thoughts:

Quote:a lot of players don't seem to know the tournaments exist
Quote:the event doesn't have a high profile or well known of who is eligible or how to enter

This is certainly true. I know from my own experience as Sec of Castlehill. Every AGM I ask if anyone wants to take part, yet every time I am asked – often by the same ones who asked the year before - what the events are about, what’s involved, etc. Perhaps the problem here is that Secs get a piece of paper from Dick Heathwood and they announce (or not) the details at their pre-season meetings or in other restricted ways. This time, with Dick Heathwood’s help, I intend to email full details (from me) club Secs with a request to circulate among their members. It might help a little

Quote:All players invited to participate. £5 entry fee.

The new arrangements (to be announced publicly soon but still open to improvement) will give the chance for more players to participate than current rules allow.
Re entry fee, this won’t be for me to decide, but my view is that entry fees should be levied as they have in the past, i.e a single charge for each tournament that enables a club’s members to participate. Thinking about that, perhaps there is a barrier here also, if a club doesn’t wish to fund entrants. Maybe there’s a way to enable players to bypass this and pay their own entrance fee if they wish. More thought needed.

Quote:Local/Regional groups

Certainly, if there are enough entries.

Quote:the possible travel involved
Quote:travel from Dumfries to Inverness

Travel is definitely an issue. If numbers rise then regionalising at least one round should be possible. If numbers don’t rise significantly then perhaps some of the other ideas in this thread might help, but I’ll need to give them further thought. As can you if you don’t mind
The current rules allow for a central venue to be used if players live more than 60 miles apart, but I take your point – even 59 miles could be problematic for some.

CS members, or not.

Not a decision for me, I think, or not only me anyway. My first thoughts are that entry should be open to anyone, regardless of individual membership, who is a member of a club that is a member of CS, as is currently the case. For those who are not in CS-member clubs if we demand individual CS membership that would debar a large number of players so, until we can get numbers up, I believe we should not introduce this restriction. Those players would, of course, be contributing something to CS as they would have to pay their own entry fee (which, I suggest, should be the same as the clubs’ fees)

Excuse me for not responding to other points in the thread – my winding-down is accelerating and my concentration is nosediving.

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