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Euroyouth Bulgaria 2011
Round 7- 2 points. A very disappointing day pointswise but we knew that as we had done so well in round 7, we would get some tough draws and we duly did. Andrew- Early exchanges, levellish ending, blunders rook. Murad. Black side of a dragon, opponent took defensive approach and just sat solid, draw agreed. Kai- Opponent squeezed Kai's Dragadorf position until he was trapped in his castled corner, dropped material, lost in 3 hours. Monica, Solid game but way behind on clock, sensibly accepted draw. Carl- Pawn down, ropey position, counter attacks as in previous games, opponent offers draw when still clearly better, accepted. Ali- Solid game throughout but edged out in an inferior minor piece and pawn ending against what looked like a very good player. Hamish, got caught by opening surprise, using up a lot of time, missed tactic, lost in 3 hours. Jamie- Always in control and solid, couldn't quite win an opposite coloured bishop ending a pawn up. His confidence is growing daily and it's a shame he got off to such a bad start. Cristina, same again, solid position, bad time trouble, blunders. Anna, Always defending in bad position and in later desperate time trouble. She had to make her last 12 moves in the 30 sec Fischer system but no surprise to us that she dug in and made it although couldn't hold on in a bad position. Her opponent was the best girl I have seen playing any of ours in that section so far. We know we can score better and are going for a big push today and tomorrow for as many points as possible. Some teams have got their cases packed ready to go home. Anyone that knows me will know we haven't and every effort is being made here for a good finish.


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