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Manifesto Alex McFarlane for Scottish Championship Director
I believe that more than one person has been seeking proxy votes.

I would say that it is acceptable to say "I am going to the meeting if you want me to act as proxy." to known people. It is much less appropriate to say something like "Give me your proxy even though you don't really know me" especially if this happens in what is effectively a spam email.

Anyway my election address for Director of Scottish Championships.

I have been running this event for more years than I care to remember. The current international format and the support of a benefactor has proved beneficial. I am an experienced arbiter, officiating at events since 1980. I have organised a number of events both in Scotland and in England (bet that counts against me!). I am recognised by FIDE as a category B International Arbiter, International Organiser and Arbiter Trainer.
I was the Chess Scotland Home Director and President of the Scottish Junior Chess Association.

I'm sure I could say more. Hopefully others will give a similar (and brief synopsis) either here or more officially.

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