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Euroyouth Bulgaria 2011
[pgn]1.d4 c5 2. c3 $6 cxd4 3. cxd4 g6 4. b3 Bg7 5. Bb2 e6 6. e3 Ne7 7. Nc3 O-O 8.
Rc1 a6 9. a4 Nbc6 10. Nf3 Qb6 $6 11. Rb1 $6 Re8 $6 12. Be2 Nb4 13. Qd2 Nbd5 14.
O-O Nxc3 (14... Qxb3 15. Ne4 Qxa4 16. Nd6 Rd8 17. e4 Qb4 {only move} (17... Nf6 18. Ng5
$1 $18) 18. Nxc8 Rdxc8 19. exd5 Qxd2 20. Nxd2 $14) 15. Bxc3 Nd5 16. Rfc1 d6 $6
17. Ba5 $1 Qa7 18. Ra1 $6 b6 19. Bc3 Nxc3 20. Rxc3 e5 21. Rac1 Bg4 22. Ng5 (22.
Nxe5 dxe5 (22... Bxe2 23. Nc6) 23. Bxg4 exd4 24. Rc7 Qb8 25. exd4 Bxd4 26. Qf4
$1 $18 (26. Qxd4 Qxc7 $19)) 22... Bxe2 23. Qxe2 exd4 24. Rc6 $6 (24. Rc7 $1 $18
) 24... dxe3 (24... Qb7 $1 $17) 25. Rc7 Qb8 26. Rxf7 Ra7 27. Rxa7 Qxa7 28. Qc4+
Kf8 29. Nxh7+ Ke7 30. fxe3 Rh8 31. Qc7+ Qxc7 32. Rxc7+ *[/pgn]1-0

Monica Espinosa (SCO) - Nadezhda Petkova (BUL) 1683

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