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Glasgow AGM was last Wednesday, 29th of May.
The AGM of the D&DCA will be held on Wednesday 12th June 2013 in the Larkfield Centre 39 Inglefield Street Glasgow G42 7AY at 7.30pm.
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Is the Lanarkshire League AGM still on for Wednesday 26 June at East Kilbride's venue?
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Hi Jim
Tom Brown as treasurer is arranging the AGM around that time it looks as if it will be in Hamilton but i'll let you and everybody else know in the next few days. do you know how much the lanarkshire league owes Andy Howie for last years fixtures meeting and i'm eager to get this paid by Tom
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Lanarkshire Chess League AGM confirmed for Wednesday 26th June 2013
University of the West of Scotland
Hamilton Campus
7.30 pm sharp
entrance by rear door committee room 5
my telephone no is 07899832770 for anyone getting lost
Agenda will be posted here once I know I'm not getting any further submissions
We are looking for clubs to sponsor for committee positions e.g we have no secretary and Ian is not renewing as league controller.
Any queries call me
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Wednesday 26 June 2013
1. President’s remarks
2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
3. Matters Arising from the Minutes
Rule 2.4 Delete “December 31st” and insert “the third match” passed
(proposed by Management Committee)
Rule 2.6 [New Rule] Teams must schedule at least one third of their fixtures to be played by December 31st Passed
(proposed by Management Committee)
Rule 4.3 [New Rule] At the beginning of the season all clubs shall pay a fee of £20.00 as a bond against defaulting League matches. This fee will be refunded at the end of each season, unless any of a club’s teams has defaulted a League match. Passed
(proposed by Management Committee)
Rule 7.2 [New Rule] Teams shall be constituted in descending order of the current grading list. Should a club have more than one team in the same or different division(s), the teams shall be constituted in continuous descending order. Failed
Cumbernauld were to bring further proposal (s) at a future meeting
(proposed by Cumbernauld Chess Club)
Rule 2.1 After …opposing teams, insert “who, except in the Junior League, must be adults,” Passed
(proposed by Management Committee)
Rule 6.4 Delete existing rule. Insert “If a team defaults a match the team captain must provide the league controller with a full explanation in writing.” Passed
(proposed by Management Committee)
4. Secretary’s Report (abreviated)
5. Treasurer’s Report
6. League Controller’s report
7. Presentation of Prizes
8. League structure 2013 – 2014
9. Proposed guidance changes -
The amendments to the quickplay finish section of the rules that are needed to bring it into line with current practice, including what we already do, or think we do, in the Lanarkshire League. . Black text is what we currently have that the Man Comm thinks is OK, red text is what we currently have that we shouldn't, green is new stuff we are proposing
1. A game with a quickplay finish is NOT the same as a lightning or allegro game, and certain rules are designed to prevent a player winning on time when the position on the board does not justify it.
2. The recommended time controls for league games completed under quickplay finish rules, and which are to be sent for grading are, an initial period of at least 1 hour per player, with a clock rate not faster than 2 minutes per move (e.g. 40 moves in at least 80 minutes; are 30 moves in one hour; etc.), followed by at least an extra 15 minutes per player.
(a) The move requirements must have been clearly stated before the match starts.
(b) (a) A copy of this guide must be available to players.
Note for the Guidance of Arbiters and Players
1. The purpose of the special rules is to endeavour to ensure that the player who, from the position on the board, and his demonstrated standard of play, would have been expected to win if the game had continued, or who by his play has shown that he can certainly draw from the position, does not lose by his flag falling in a quickplay finish (i.e. after the time control has been passed). A player who knows that he is clearly superior in position and/or material ought to be awarded a draw if he claims it. a player does not lose who, from the position on the board and his/her demonstrated standard of play, would be able to gain at least a draw had time considerations not played a critical role.
2. Both players must continue to record their moves until they have less than five minutes left.
3. A player may claim a draw when he has less than two minutes left on the clock and before his flag falls. The player claiming the draw should stop the clocks and consult the captains. This concludes the game. If either captain is still playing, this consultation can be delayed.
4. The player may claim a draw on the basis that (a) the opponent cannot win by normal means, or (b) the opponent has been making no effort to win by normal means. In (b) the player must write down the final position and submit an up-to-date scoresheet, which must be completed before play has ceased. The opponent shall verify both the scoresheet and the final position.
5. If both captains are satisfied that the opponent cannot win by normal means (which includes the case where the opponent with more time is very much behind on material), or that the opponent has been making no effort to win by normal means, then they may declare the game drawn. If they are not satisfied, they may declare the game lost.
7. The team captains' decision is not an adjudication. The decision process should involve only the players concerned and the team captains.
2. 8. In the majority of cases, players know perfectly well which player has a winning advantage, and there is no dispute if he claims a draw. The more difficult cases are those in which the material is more even, but the player claims that his opponent cannot win for positional reasons.
3. If, for example, white's flag has fallen, he has lost unless:
9. The reasons for awarding the draw include:
(a) The players agree a draw.
(b) White claims to the arbiter, who agrees:.
10. Election of Office Bearers
11. Any Other Competent Business
12. Close of meeting
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The room at Hamilton is now committee room 1. I'll carry my mobile phone in case anyone gets lost entrance is again by the rear. I'll be there early to make sure everything is OK
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Joined: May 2012
The room at Hamilton is now committee room 1. I'll carry my mobile phone in case anyone gets lost entrance is again by the rear. I'll be there early to make sure everything is OK