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Bon Accord will be entering.
Are Dragons or another club taking the 2nd place ?

4.1. Every federation that intends to participate, with one or more clubs, must inform the
Organizing Committee before May 30, 2014 of its acceptance of the invitation, specifying
also the exact number of the clubs participating. A copy should be sent to Tournament
Director Dirk De Ridder, e-mail: <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->

4.2. Afterwards, entry forms must be completed and returned to the Tournament office email <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> no later than July 12, 2014, by fax or mail stamped by the Federation, also by official email. The date of 12 July 2014 is the registration deadline. In entry form basic team composition must be written.

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European Club Cup 2014 Bilbao, Spain 12-Sep-2014 21-Sep-2014
Bon Accord are playing.
Dragons have till midnight on thursday to confirm their participation otherwise Edinburgh will take their place.
I spoke last night with Alan Tate and neither of us are now available to play in Bilbao, so I have e-mailed the club members and asked that they let me know by this evening whether they still wish to enter a team.

It's extremely unlikely now, but I will post on here to confirm our decision.

Andy Burnett
I have still had no reply from any interested Dragons, so on the advice of our club president I can state that unfortunately we will not be entering a team in the European Club Cup this year. Apologies for the long delay in deciding this.

All the best to Bon Accord (and Edinburgh should they choose to go) Smile

Andy Burnett
Thanks Andy.
Edinburgh have asked to go. Another question for Keith here - who gets the reserve place if a finalist cannot make it ? need to tidy up the rules here - I would suggest the semi-finalists, however Poly and Hamilton have not as yet asked to go , will decide finally on friday
3 teams now want to play - SCO will enter 2 unnamed teams to organisers - extended deadline for any other team to wednesday - arbiter decision on which 2 teams go
amuir Wrote:Dragons have till midnight on thursday to confirm their participation otherwise Edinburgh will take their place.

Is one of the teams Dragons?
3 teams are Bon Accord, Edinburgh, Ed West
Ed West 4 Edinburgh 4 in playoff match - board count win for EW !?-now seems both teams want to play clubcup ! the arbiters will decide not me
anyway since dragons only just withdrew have given another week for other teams and for consideration
One of the teams HAS to be Bon Accord surely? :-o 2 of your recent posts seem to be at cross-purposes Andy?!

Also, who are these arbiters we keep hearing about? If people are making decisions (Richardson argument/disagreement before the final, and now this decision-to-be-made) we should really be told who is deciding these things and have it all open and accountable.

I'm not trying to start an argument here, by the way. Honest! O:-)

Andy Burnett
Andy B - Bon Accord will be one of the 2 teams going as winners.
The 2nd team is more difficult.
Ken Stewart is my arbiter contact - he chooses a team of arbiters to make decisions and obviously Keith Rose oversees.
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