
Full Version: Chess Scotland Event/ PVG
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to quote the article - Any PVG membership which they may have obtained through another organisation is irrelevant-
I am assuming irrelevant to Chess Scotland I spoke to the school yesterday (Friday) and they assured me that to the best of their knowledge the PVG I have can be used anywhere in Scotland as part of the overhaul to the new PVG system

I am now assuming the following to be correct
I cannot organise a chess Scotland tournament regarding PVG although I can organise other tournaments
I cannot coach a Chess Scotland tournament although I can coach any other events
I cannot use any arbiter not registered by Chess Scotland in a Chess Scotland event

I think I cannot be the only one in this situation therefore I think this policy will only reduce the authority of Chess Scotland as organisers will then rely on the authority of Disclosure Scotland and run their own tournaments rather than even acknowledging Chess Scotland. As such I would resist any pressure to preferentially use Chess Scotland arbiters as I'm sure others would. This would be a sad state of affairs as I believe in principle Chess Scotland should be the recognised body bur I fear this will not happen over time
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