
Full Version: Euroyouth 2013 - Budva Montenegro
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This year's European Youth Chess Championships takes place in Budva, Montenegro from the 28th of September until the 9th of October. The Scotland squad is now registered with the organisers and listed on the website.

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Our friends in Montenegro have been superb to deal with so far and have assisted us greatly. If the help and support we have received so far is anything to go by, then the Euroyouth Championships are going to be a spectacular success.
Looks like a very nice location. The opposition is super strong and the Scots will be up against
it, I cant help but think if you are a G.M. you should not be playing in such tournaments.
Looks like a strong squad. I'm sure we'll see some good performances.

P Griffin Wrote:I cant help but think if you are a G.M. you should not be playing in such tournaments.

Okay, I'll bite. They want to be European Under-18 champion, or whatever, which is understandable. It's not meant to be an easy tournament.
That said, with David Oswald as head of delegation they're almost certainly all doomed anyway.

Please clarify - who do you mean by "they"?

Do you mean our squad or their opponents (especially any GMs)?
Well, I'd actually initially meant our squad, but if they take some of his advice while ignoring any opening suggestions that involve moving the f-pawns I'm sure we can start knocking off some titled heads.
F for forward as one of our GM's famously wrote