Live games are available.
We are using incremental time controls!
Round 1 - Board 8 is down due to a failed battery pack. I did not have enough time to resolve. Sorry
lost board 3 for the same reason. All others worked perfectly. Charging the batteries tonight
Round 2 - Board 8 is still down. It is looking like a sensitivity issue. In a nutshell need to recalibrate the board!
Round went brilliantly with no errors!
Round 3 - Board 8 is out for the rest of the tournament
Round 4 - Board 8 is out for the rest of the tournament. Lost board 3 due to not being here until 10am thanks to Citylink
You've put names beside the players! That's very embarrassing for some.
I thought Calum's opponent resigned prematurely after only 12 moves. White is only slightly better. Why ?
Andy, Please read the above "Sorry
lost board 3 for the same reason. All others worked perfectly. Charging the batteries tonight"
Just realized i forgot to hit game upload. How embarrassing!
Did Clement really resign after 35 Rc8 vs Mark Orr, or is it a live board issue? Turns out Rxe6 is just totally winning for white.
My results sheet shows a win for Clement v Mark, so over to Andy H.
The final match finished this evening Andrew Green v Chucks Allor had quite a group of spectators watching live at the venue. The tension with incremental time controls was evident. At one point Chucks moved his rook down the file but held on to it for a bit as the seconds ticked away before changing his mind and sweeping it diaganolly across the board to check on the first rank. I wonder how it played out live on the internet.
Thanks for the Update on Standings and Draw. Missed this yesterday. I assumed Clement lost on Time. Hope I'm wrong. The LIve Games have been marvellous. Keep it up, Andy!
Sorry, I couldn't be there this year.
Thanks George
I hope you are well.
I had a quick look at the live games scores from yesterday and am hoping that the score there on the Clement v Mark game is wrong or the draw posted on the congress website looks a bit dodgy. I'm dashing down to Ayr just now to check.
I'm not sure if the times are showing when the games are live but will check the actual braodcast with Andy today.
It should be interesting today, as we've delayed the start half an hour to allow everyone to get to Ayr on time but with the incremental time control, I'm having nightmares about when to start the final round. It could be organised chaos with the three sections starting at different times.
The live boards will hopefully feature again when we return to the venue in January next year and when we hold the Inverness congress in the first week in September.
Serves me right for not checking the kings were placed correctly...
Having a mare today thanks to City Link, Didn#t get the battery pack changed on one of the boards so we are one down this morning
Andy Howie Wrote:Serves me right for not checking the kings were placed correctly...
Having a mare today thanks to City Link, Didn#t get the battery pack changed on one of the boards so we are one down this morning
Batteries flat?