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Drunken hopalong- An alcoholic refreshment, anything from a vodka and coke to a broon ale is placed near each corner of the board. None of the refreshments should be any of the players normal tipple. Whichever player takes a piece in the nearest corner the licquor sits has to down it then hop along a pre designated course with arbiters monitoring their progress. On completion of the hop, they can then return to the board where the drink has been replaced. This gives the inferior player extra time to think and also leads to the steady inebriation of the superior player. A level and exciting game can often ensue,

Hugh Brechin Wrote:For the Swingometer, surely you'd be wanting to allow swings from winning positions as well as balanced ones. There's nothing quite as funny as a +5 to a -6 in one move.

Good point, well made. The prize could be a lanterne rouge and an appearance in one of Geoff's articles.
Quote:How about most unambitious player? I have more of a shot at that

There are a few Ayrshire players would compete for that prize, especially after a few pints. Tongue

Angus McDonald

Very sharp and clever!

No! Not you Mike :U
Quote:Drunken hopalong
Is this another Ayrshire training technique for juniors? I feel an (AGM) motion coming on...
Quote:The prize could be a lanterne rouge

Does Hugh get to keep it after he wins it 3x in a row?
Big Grin
Noughts and Crosses

As pointed out in a link Heather posted a little while ago there is little point teaching chess to juniors not yet mature enough to understand noughts and crosses.

School chess clubs should still start them young. Playing noughts and crosses on a 3 by three board which when mastered will teach them them about the value of the centre and forced draws but not yet introduce zugzwang.

Pupils then progress to a 5 x 5 board and finally onto an 8 by 8 board - still playing noughts and crosses

Then they move onto chess but carry forward a new rule that if a player can make a move that results in all squares on file being occupied with pieces He wins.

That will curtail Italian game opening which can only be a good thing. And when they move on to play as adults and play under the standard chess rules and discover the opening move 1 d4 then there will be a natural aversion to 1d4 d5 2 Nf3 Nf6 3 Bf4 because 3... Bf5 used to win instantly for black.
I think that connect 4 would be a good follow-up after mastering noughts and crosses. Simple rules, looking at what the opponent can do, looking ahead, zugzwang, etc. But complicated enough that it was only fully solved in 1988.

I might try a bit of "cross training" with other games in chess clubs next term to see how it goes.
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