24-03-2012, 10:51 PM
The games are rapidplay games.
Question 1
White is very short of time, and has Q+R v R with a few pawns each. Black (8 years old) thinks that white's flag has fallen and picks up the clock to show the gaggle of intense adults that unfortunately gather round the last few games to finish at these kinds of events (the adults are the "board stewards" and team managers from various County teams - de facto controllers for the event - who support a qualified arbiter who's overall in charge).
One adult (unconnected to either team) is of the opinion that the flag was up until the clock was picked up, and that it was picking up the clock that knocked the flag down. The arbiter didn't see the incident. By this point white's team manager is insisting that black's team should be docked a point for "a technical rules infringement". Black's board steward is present and is the strongest player there, but was watching another game and didn't see the incident; black's team manager had popped out of the playing hall a few minutes earlier to avoid adding yet another body to the gaggle of intense adults.
What should the arbiter do?
Question 2
Black has played a move that looks like checkmate. The players are in the process of agreeing that it's checkmate when a passing board steward points out that both kings are in check (but doesn't realise that one of the kings is in "checkmate"). White has already said that they think it is checkmate, but the results slip hasn't yet been filled in. The clock was paused by black on delivering the "checkmate".
On checking the scoresheets, it transpires that white, in playing Ke2-f1 on the previous move, put black's king in discovered check. Ke2-f1 had been replied to by Rh1 "checkmate".
What should the arbiter do?
Question 1
White is very short of time, and has Q+R v R with a few pawns each. Black (8 years old) thinks that white's flag has fallen and picks up the clock to show the gaggle of intense adults that unfortunately gather round the last few games to finish at these kinds of events (the adults are the "board stewards" and team managers from various County teams - de facto controllers for the event - who support a qualified arbiter who's overall in charge).
One adult (unconnected to either team) is of the opinion that the flag was up until the clock was picked up, and that it was picking up the clock that knocked the flag down. The arbiter didn't see the incident. By this point white's team manager is insisting that black's team should be docked a point for "a technical rules infringement". Black's board steward is present and is the strongest player there, but was watching another game and didn't see the incident; black's team manager had popped out of the playing hall a few minutes earlier to avoid adding yet another body to the gaggle of intense adults.
What should the arbiter do?
Question 2
Black has played a move that looks like checkmate. The players are in the process of agreeing that it's checkmate when a passing board steward points out that both kings are in check (but doesn't realise that one of the kings is in "checkmate"). White has already said that they think it is checkmate, but the results slip hasn't yet been filled in. The clock was paused by black on delivering the "checkmate".
On checking the scoresheets, it transpires that white, in playing Ke2-f1 on the previous move, put black's king in discovered check. Ke2-f1 had been replied to by Rh1 "checkmate".
What should the arbiter do?