Good luck to the Scottish Team playing in Creta Maris, Crete.
The Scottish Team is: -
Andy Burnett - FM
Neil Berry - FM
Jonathan I M Grant
Graham Morrison - FM
Alan Tate - FM
The results are posted here:
No link yet for live games, but play starts on 28th.
Seeded 40 out of 40 but currently going well after a draw with Faroes and a win against Macedonia. Currently 23rd, playing vs home team (Greece) today.
I'm following the games live via the 'Follow Chess' app.
Christmas just came early for Jonathan Grant and Scotland look to be heading for their first match victory!
Not counting the win against FYROM, that is. See above.
Can't believe what just happened on Andy's board and especially on Jonathan' board.
Well, that was quite a ride today!
Apologies for not updating with reports - we tend not finish analysis/chilling out until about 11pm.
I played a good game today, shot myself in the foot by panicking when short of time and then somehow recovered - while Jonathan did something similar but even more spectacular -and won!! Needless to say it was a laugh-a-minute post-mortem session of the 2 games

It does make up for yesterday's misfortunes though!
Belgium tomorrow in the final round