22-10-2015, 12:28 PM
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22-10-2015, 09:53 PM
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.wycc2015.org/">http://www.wycc2015.org/</a><!-- m -->
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://chess-results.com/tnr187413.aspx?lan=1&art=25&fedb=SCO&turdet=YES&flag=30&wi=984">http://chess-results.com/tnr187413.aspx ... =30&wi=984</a><!-- m -->
Porto Carros, Greece plays host to the World Youth & Cadets Chess Championships 2015, which takes place from Saturday, October 24th to Friday, November 6th. Scotland is sending a squad of 16 players to this luxurious 5 star Grand Resort to battle with the Titans of Junior chess from throughout the World.
In the Open Under 18 section Lennart Koehn of East Kilbride Chess Club is almost certainly guaranteed a titled player in round 1 but having earned results against titled players before this shouldn’t phase the improving Lennart.
Our Open Under 16’s will also face tough and challenging opening round but Murad Abdulla (Bon Accord), Declan Shafi (Castlehill) and Jamie Underwood (Edinburgh) have all played at this level before and will be able to pass their experience on to Leston D’Costa (Bon Accord).
Monica Espinosa Cancino (Girvan) and Caitlin Reid (Paisley) have also played in tournaments like this and Stuthi Hegde (Edinburgh) has experience from the Glasgow Commonwealth Championships as well as the Scottish Open. Monica recently performed well at the European Youth Chess Championships in Croatia.
Jake Sanger (Prestwick) and Callum Smith (North Juniors) are also doubling up, having played in Croatia last month. Jake joins Ben Volland (Dunfermline) in the Open Under 12’s, while Callum is one fifth of our under 14 participants.
Kai Pannwitz (Inverness), who won the EU Youth Boys Championship last year will hope to play at a similar level to his EU Youth performance. Euan Gray (North Juniors) and Ioannis Dabos-Doukas (Edinburgh) will also be looking to perform to their potential in the Open Under 14.
Rachel Lorna Smith (Prestwick) is the fifth under 14 travelling to the shores of the Aegean Sea. This quiet, thoughtful young lady is entirely capable of upsetting the odds and opponents who underestimate her do so at their own risk.
Last but certainly not least is James Hartman who is our sole representative at under 10 level. This Tiger Cub has drawn with 1600+ players before and has the potential to be a Scottish Internationalist for years to come.
The Scotland Juniors will be supported at the event by GM Ketevan Arakhamia-Grant, who will be able to bring a wealth of experience, including that of playing in the World Women’s Championships, to help the squad cope with the ups and downs of a World Championship event.
Good luck to all our participants. Play well, enjoy the experience and proudly represent Scotland.
Come the start of play on Sunday, let’s hear the sluagh-ghairm of Scotland ‘Wha daur meddle wi’ me” roared out so loud that it wakens Zeus and the rest of the Greek Gods on Olympus.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://chess-results.com/tnr187413.aspx?lan=1&art=25&fedb=SCO&turdet=YES&flag=30&wi=984">http://chess-results.com/tnr187413.aspx ... =30&wi=984</a><!-- m -->
Porto Carros, Greece plays host to the World Youth & Cadets Chess Championships 2015, which takes place from Saturday, October 24th to Friday, November 6th. Scotland is sending a squad of 16 players to this luxurious 5 star Grand Resort to battle with the Titans of Junior chess from throughout the World.
In the Open Under 18 section Lennart Koehn of East Kilbride Chess Club is almost certainly guaranteed a titled player in round 1 but having earned results against titled players before this shouldn’t phase the improving Lennart.
Our Open Under 16’s will also face tough and challenging opening round but Murad Abdulla (Bon Accord), Declan Shafi (Castlehill) and Jamie Underwood (Edinburgh) have all played at this level before and will be able to pass their experience on to Leston D’Costa (Bon Accord).
Monica Espinosa Cancino (Girvan) and Caitlin Reid (Paisley) have also played in tournaments like this and Stuthi Hegde (Edinburgh) has experience from the Glasgow Commonwealth Championships as well as the Scottish Open. Monica recently performed well at the European Youth Chess Championships in Croatia.
Jake Sanger (Prestwick) and Callum Smith (North Juniors) are also doubling up, having played in Croatia last month. Jake joins Ben Volland (Dunfermline) in the Open Under 12’s, while Callum is one fifth of our under 14 participants.
Kai Pannwitz (Inverness), who won the EU Youth Boys Championship last year will hope to play at a similar level to his EU Youth performance. Euan Gray (North Juniors) and Ioannis Dabos-Doukas (Edinburgh) will also be looking to perform to their potential in the Open Under 14.
Rachel Lorna Smith (Prestwick) is the fifth under 14 travelling to the shores of the Aegean Sea. This quiet, thoughtful young lady is entirely capable of upsetting the odds and opponents who underestimate her do so at their own risk.
Last but certainly not least is James Hartman who is our sole representative at under 10 level. This Tiger Cub has drawn with 1600+ players before and has the potential to be a Scottish Internationalist for years to come.
The Scotland Juniors will be supported at the event by GM Ketevan Arakhamia-Grant, who will be able to bring a wealth of experience, including that of playing in the World Women’s Championships, to help the squad cope with the ups and downs of a World Championship event.
Good luck to all our participants. Play well, enjoy the experience and proudly represent Scotland.
Come the start of play on Sunday, let’s hear the sluagh-ghairm of Scotland ‘Wha daur meddle wi’ me” roared out so loud that it wakens Zeus and the rest of the Greek Gods on Olympus.
24-10-2015, 12:22 AM
Good to hear the Scottish Lion will be roaring, David. Best wishes to our Junior team.
25-10-2015, 12:50 AM
Round 1 Pairings for our young lions.
Bo. No. Name Rtg Name Rtg No.
Under 18 Open
44 102 Koehn Lennart 1888 v IM Jarmula Lukasz 2321 44
Under 16 Open
26 26 FM Tomczak Mikolaj 2372 v Abdulla Murad 2001 103
30 30 Janik Igor 2344 v Shafi Declan 1986 107
64 64 Kavon Rastislav 2183 v Underwood James 1664 141
68 68 Stauskas Lukas 2169 v D Costa Leston 1569 145
Under 14 Open
24 24 FM Brodsky David 2251 v Pannwitz Kai 1866 117
63 156 Gray Euan 1644 v FM Lee Qing Aun 2104 63
65 158 Smith Callum 1641 v Lagarde Dimitri 2099 65
74 74 Stanojevic Ilija 2037 v Dabos-Doukas Ioannis 1524 167
Under 12 Open
43 43 Wang Wesley 2032 v Volland Ben 1575 144
97 97 Pislaru Adrian 1809 v Sanger Jake M 0 198
Under 10 Open
42 42 Mastalos Iannis-Mihai 1775 v Hartman James 1310 134
Under 16 Girls
39 86 Espinosa Cancino Monica 1496 v Hu Yu A. 1944 39
42 42 Avetisyan Mariam 1936 v Reid Caitlin 1459 89
45 92 Hegde Stuthi 1343 v WCM Sapale Saloni 1927 45
Under 14 Girls
44 44 Coman Emilia-Florentina 1843 v Smith Rachel Lorna 1409 106
Just the scalps of five titled players to be taken then.
Bo. No. Name Rtg Name Rtg No.
Under 18 Open
44 102 Koehn Lennart 1888 v IM Jarmula Lukasz 2321 44
Under 16 Open
26 26 FM Tomczak Mikolaj 2372 v Abdulla Murad 2001 103
30 30 Janik Igor 2344 v Shafi Declan 1986 107
64 64 Kavon Rastislav 2183 v Underwood James 1664 141
68 68 Stauskas Lukas 2169 v D Costa Leston 1569 145
Under 14 Open
24 24 FM Brodsky David 2251 v Pannwitz Kai 1866 117
63 156 Gray Euan 1644 v FM Lee Qing Aun 2104 63
65 158 Smith Callum 1641 v Lagarde Dimitri 2099 65
74 74 Stanojevic Ilija 2037 v Dabos-Doukas Ioannis 1524 167
Under 12 Open
43 43 Wang Wesley 2032 v Volland Ben 1575 144
97 97 Pislaru Adrian 1809 v Sanger Jake M 0 198
Under 10 Open
42 42 Mastalos Iannis-Mihai 1775 v Hartman James 1310 134
Under 16 Girls
39 86 Espinosa Cancino Monica 1496 v Hu Yu A. 1944 39
42 42 Avetisyan Mariam 1936 v Reid Caitlin 1459 89
45 92 Hegde Stuthi 1343 v WCM Sapale Saloni 1927 45
Under 14 Girls
44 44 Coman Emilia-Florentina 1843 v Smith Rachel Lorna 1409 106
Just the scalps of five titled players to be taken then.
25-10-2015, 09:09 AM
Very impressive having the first round draw published at that time by the organisers, well done to them.
25-10-2015, 01:20 PM
Good luck to everyone in the Scottish squad!!!!!
This will be a wonderful experience meeting and playing chess with juniors from all over the world. I know when Andrew and Kirsty played in the Junior World Championships it was an experience that neither of them will ever forget.
This will be a wonderful experience meeting and playing chess with juniors from all over the world. I know when Andrew and Kirsty played in the Junior World Championships it was an experience that neither of them will ever forget.
25-10-2015, 11:25 PM
As expected, it was a tough day at the office for our juniors, who were all massively outgraded in round 1. Delighted to see Euan Gray draw with his 2104 FM Titled opponent, Aun Lee Qing.
I'm sure there are no easy games at this level but tomorrow does look slightly less daunting for most of our team.
Pairings of the next round for SCO
Bo. No. Name Rtg Pts. Result Pts. Name Rtg No.
Under 18 Open
46 73 Brenner Stav 2124 0 0 Koehn Lennart 1888 102
Under 16 Open
67 142 Underwood James Robert 1664 0 0 CM Garcia Herrera Enrique Ric 2033 98
69 146 D Costa Leston 1569 0 0 Sukovic Andrej 2021 103
70 104 Abdulla Murad 2001 0 0 Beukema Christiaan 1645 143
74 108 Shafi Declan 1986 0 0 Plaza Reino Agustin 1544 149
Under 14 Open
45 35 Karousos-Theodorakis Nikolaos 2183 ½ ½ Gray Euan 1644 156
67 105 Oboladze Luka 1917 0 0 Smith Callum 1641 158
74 167 Dabos - Doukas Ioannis 1524 0 0 Androutsopoulos-Agiotatos Vas 1896 112
79 117 Pannwitz Kai 1866 0 0 Evans James 1488 170
Under 12 Open
94 145 Volland Ben 1575 0 0 Kao Chen-Chieh 0 192
99 199 Sanger Jake M 0 0 0 Stesevic Luka 1553 150
Under 10 Open
55 135 Hartman James 1310 0 0 Ratnesan Ranesh 1613 78
Under 16 Girls
41 63 WFM Tran Phan Bao Khanh 1775 0 0 Espinosa Cancino Monica 1496 86
42 89 Reid Caitlin 1459 0 0 Jakab Kincso 1768 64
46 69 Tomcikova Zuzana 1690 0 0 Stuthi Hegde 1343 92
Under 14 Girls
47 106 Smith Rachel Lorna 1409 0 0 Naran-Erdene Naranbaatar 1686 69
I'm sure there are no easy games at this level but tomorrow does look slightly less daunting for most of our team.
Pairings of the next round for SCO
Bo. No. Name Rtg Pts. Result Pts. Name Rtg No.
Under 18 Open
46 73 Brenner Stav 2124 0 0 Koehn Lennart 1888 102
Under 16 Open
67 142 Underwood James Robert 1664 0 0 CM Garcia Herrera Enrique Ric 2033 98
69 146 D Costa Leston 1569 0 0 Sukovic Andrej 2021 103
70 104 Abdulla Murad 2001 0 0 Beukema Christiaan 1645 143
74 108 Shafi Declan 1986 0 0 Plaza Reino Agustin 1544 149
Under 14 Open
45 35 Karousos-Theodorakis Nikolaos 2183 ½ ½ Gray Euan 1644 156
67 105 Oboladze Luka 1917 0 0 Smith Callum 1641 158
74 167 Dabos - Doukas Ioannis 1524 0 0 Androutsopoulos-Agiotatos Vas 1896 112
79 117 Pannwitz Kai 1866 0 0 Evans James 1488 170
Under 12 Open
94 145 Volland Ben 1575 0 0 Kao Chen-Chieh 0 192
99 199 Sanger Jake M 0 0 0 Stesevic Luka 1553 150
Under 10 Open
55 135 Hartman James 1310 0 0 Ratnesan Ranesh 1613 78
Under 16 Girls
41 63 WFM Tran Phan Bao Khanh 1775 0 0 Espinosa Cancino Monica 1496 86
42 89 Reid Caitlin 1459 0 0 Jakab Kincso 1768 64
46 69 Tomcikova Zuzana 1690 0 0 Stuthi Hegde 1343 92
Under 14 Girls
47 106 Smith Rachel Lorna 1409 0 0 Naran-Erdene Naranbaatar 1686 69
26-10-2015, 05:45 PM
I see we are off and running on the scoreboard today. First result in is a draw for James Hartman against an English boy rated 300 points higher. Well done James!
26-10-2015, 08:41 PM
A really good day today, 7/16. Well done everyone! I don't know what Jenny is putting on Euan's cornflakes (or should that be Greek yoghurt?) but he followed up yesterday's draw with another v a 2183 rated opponent.
29-10-2015, 08:09 PM
Murad has beaten a 2381 today! Phenomenal result :ymapplause:
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