Team Lightning takes place on Sunday 29 March at Dunfermline immediately after SNCL and AGM. Entry form is on website. Best way to enter is by email to me and pay me at venue.
What's the time control, Ken?
Five minutes per player per game. All details are on entry form.
So far, two clubs have entered teams (2 each). Please let's have some more very soon now.
Please don't assume that "on the day" will be fine. I need some information to plan the event accurately.
Chess Scotland also has a nice new shiny trophy for this event. Be the first winner!
We now have 12 teams but I'm sure there are others. Please let me know - it makes organisation much easier.
Hi Ken
is the tournament club tied in any way
Broadly speaking, the answer is yes (see entry form). However, the main reason for this is to avoid having "all-star" made-up teams. There are usually a few spare players who can either attach themselves to a team that is a player short or form a 'scratch' made-up team. The aim at that level is to try to let as many people play as possible.
Hamilton won, with Dundee second. More details on website in due course.