John Court

31 March 1841, Findo Gask, Perthshire - 20 January 1922, Glasgow.

Associated with the Central and Burns Chess Clubs, both in Glasgow.

Played for West of Scotland against the East of Scotland in 1876, 1880, 1881, 1882.

Participated in Scotland's first correspondence chess tournament, which began January 1885 and lasted for 2½ years. There were 16 players, and it was held on the knockout system. Court reached the final, but lost to John D. Chambers. An article about this tournament appeared in the magazine of the Scottish Correspondence Chess Association - issue 119 - which can be seen here.

John Court, who retired as a shipping clerk, died at 119 York Drive, Hyndland, Glasgow.

Alan McGowan

Updated - 05/01/2019