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Minutes of Directors' Meeting, Chess Scotland


Held at 97 Castle Court, Broomburn Drive , Newton Mearns, 20th October 2008


Donald Wilson, President

Philip Thomas

Jacqui Thomas

Andy Howie

Peter Woods

Sam Collins

John Dempsey

David Reid (substitute minute secretary)


Jacob Aagaard



Nov1: "Jonathan Grant also sent his apologies, well in advance of the meeting. My apologies to Jonathan for the omission." D. Wilson.


The President asked for views and plans from the Directors, in turn:

1. Phil Thomas, international junior.

Arrangements are in place for trip to Liverpool , 26 juniors with 10 adults; ensure the funding comes from the correct budget.

Regarding the Primary Individual Tournament :the format to be changed to make it more fun for the children.

It was also noted that the CS selection criteria have not been consistently adhered to in the past but it was felt they had a lot of merit and therefore would be the rule rather than the exception so the selection of younger, more enthusiastic and improving players to be actively considered, rather than simply those with the highest gradings.


2. Peter Woods, marketing

The importance of the Glorney Cup to be emphasised. The funding level will determine the quality of the venue. Contact will be made with the Scottish Executive to investigate if “twinning” funding is applicable.

Local Councils must be engaged to raise the profile in the area around events and congresses, esp. the Scottish Championship. Brochures are a good way of doing so by including local services, travel, eating, accommodation etc. It is important to be visible to non chess players too, for support and recruitment. Need to do some costing work. Work has begun on a new marketing plan to present to future funders, taking a more professional approach to fundraising.

3. Andy Howie, FIDE, home junior.

Praised better co-operation and communication between directors and chess agencies. Happy to have a single Primary team event, rather than separate CS and SJC events.

4. Jacqui Thomas, schools development.

Keen to ensure better behaviour, discipline, diet and sleep for all going to Liverpool , and the correct child/adult ratio. Chaperones still being sought. The parents of younger team members to be invited along.

New venue of Dolphin House, Culzean being considered for the Primary Individual Championship. Bit dearer but far better re catering and “between rounds” play facilities. Estimated at £71 per head. 6 th ,7 th June '09. Need to clarify which part of CS budget is most appropriate for funding.

Arangements are in place for the Scotsman, secondary team competition. The newspaper to be contacted regarding a renewal of sponsorship, or perhaps a new one to be found. 26 teams are entered, divided into local sections and controlled by Stephen Taylor at Greenwood Academy , Irvine .

In agreement with the home junior director (AH), the SJC will be asked to hold the Primary Team championship, avoiding duplication, but to ask for a weekend qualification heat in order to include the maximum no. of entrants.

Jacqui advanced a proposal that the development budget could pay a coach to go into interested schools, to provide a chess club. The school can access the “supported study” budget to contribute. It was seen as important that there be a degree of commitment on the school's behalf. Candidate schools to be sought.

5. Sam Collins, customer services.

New in Post and nothing to report as yet.

6. John Dempsey, executive director.

Identified that he was made aware that time controls for gradable games for juniors may be too long. Few games reach the limit so more games could be played and interest could be better retained, if the limits were relaxed. Perhaps better use could be made of the Allegro Grades?

Discussion to take place with D. Bryson and Jacob Aagaard re the way forward in addressing grading and time controls for juniors in order to combine desirability with practicability.

Questions regarding selection and participation in European Youth Championships Montenegro 2008 are to be handled by Council at their next meeting. Precise conditions for those participating will be clarified and then published.

7. AOCB:

CS involvement with the Law Society sponsored Secondary Schools allegro tourney was discussed. A meeting is arranged at their office. P.Woods to discover if CS funding, equipment, arbiters, are required. The previous director in charge has not as yet furnished any information.

The meeting concluded with most excellent catering, thanks due to Phil and Jacqui for their hospitality.



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