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Chess Scotland Accounts to April 2002

Auditor's Report

Chess Scotland
Income and Expenditure for the Year ending 30 April 2002
2000/01 2001/02
 £ INCOME  £  £  £
Associations and Leagues 2,645.20
Clubs: Senior 1,130.00
Junior 565.00
3,853 4,340.20
3,829 Membership Subscriptions 3,335.50
3,564 Grading Fees 3,886.58
5,734 Publications 5,261.17
Tournaments: Senior 1113.50
Junior 4187.00
884 5,300.50
557 Insurance Scheme 696.23
8,858 Grants 9,124.00
362 100 Club Proceeds 306.50
293 National League (Season 2001) 217.64
0 Equipment/Stationery Sales 566.00
54 Equipment Hire 0.00
200 Sponsorship 1,000.00
271 Donations 726.91
251 Interest 274.86
0 Life Fund Deficit 374.45
0 General Fund Deficit 1,065.75
28,710 36,476.29
Tournaments 20,346.89
Less: Contributions 11,460.97
Plus: FIDE Fees 1,363.53
7,261 10,249.45
Tournaments: Senior 865.63
Junior 4164.01
877 5,029.64
7,213 Publications 7,248.16
886 Insurance Policies 1,139.82
200 Grand Prix 1,214.74
155 SJCA Trust 300.00
41 Depreciation 41.20
4,704 Membership Services 5,310.57
2,660 Information Services 3,140.75
676 General Services 2,277.50
1,305 Correspondence 500.00
36 Reserve Fund Surplus 24.46
22 Life Fund Surplus                    -  
2674 General Fund Surplus                    -  
28,710 36,476.29
Chess Scotland
Balance Sheet as at 30 April 2002
Accumulated Fund Note  £  £  £
SCA Balance as at 30 April 2001 1   12,867.82
SJCA Balance as at 31 March 2001     5,780.09
 £   18,647.91
Less: Deficit for year  £     1,415.74
 £ 17,232.17
Represented by
Fixed Assets 2,3               41.19
Current Assets
Debtors        496.00
Deposit Accounts   14,526.13
Current Accounts     6,935.52
Current Liabilities
Creditors (2,217.00)
Held on Deposit 4 (1,849.67)
Bequests (700.00)
Net Current Assets 17,190.98
 Notes to the Balance Sheet
2001 Surplus/Loss 2002
Balance for the Year Transfer Balance
1.  Accumulated Fund  £  £ £  £
Life Membership Account     4,549.44 (374.45) 4,174.99
Reserve Account     1,691.78 24.46 1,716.24
General Account     6,626.60 (1,065.75) 5,780.09 11,340.94
SJCA Account     5,780.09                -   (5,780.09)                    -  
  18,647.91 (1,415.74)                -   17,232.17
 2.  Fixed Assets
Net Book Value at 30 April 2001 82.39
Depreciation 41.20
Net Book Value at 30 April 2002 41.19
 3.  Depreciation
Fixed assets are depreciated at the rate of 20 % per annum
 4.  Amounts held on Deposit
West of Scotland 770.07
East of Scotland 32.10
McDonald Award Fund 910.00
Allotted Funds 137.50
L R McKenzie
Finance Director
Chess Scotland
2000 2001
 £ INCOME  £
4,638 Entry Fees 3,555.00
166 Donations 312.00
3,835 Sponsorship 3,860.00
2 Interest 28.02
8 Deficit                      -
8,649 7,755.02
4,095 Congress Prizes 3,049.98
    Organisation 3,100.00
    Printing costs 700.00
    Grading Fees 380.76
    Administration 97.61
    Miscellaneous 150.67
4,554 4,429.04
  Surplus 276.00
8,649 7,755.02
 Balance Sheet as at 30 April 2002
Accumulated Fund:
Balance as at 30 April 2001 1,269.84
Plus: Congress Surplus 276.00
Represented by
Current Assets
Bank: Current and Deposit Accounts 1,545.84
 LR McKenzie
Finance Director

Auditors Report to the Members of Chess Scotland

For the Year Ended 30 April 2002

I have audited the Income and Expenditure Account and Balance Sheet of Chess Scotland, which has been prepared under the historical cost convention.

Council's responsibility for the financial statements:-

Council is required to arrange for the management board to prepare financial statements for each financial year, which give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the organisation and of the surplus or deficit of the organisation for that period.

Respective responsibility of council and auditors

The organisation's council are responsible for the preparation of financial statements. It is my responsibility to form an independent opinion, based on my audit, on those statements and to report my opinion to you.

Basis of opinion

An audit includes examination, on a test basis, of evidence relevant to the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. It also includes an assessment of the significant estimates and judgements made by the council in the preparation of the financial statements.


In my opinion the financial statements give a true and fair view of the organisations affairs at 30 April 2002 and of its deficit for the year then ended.

K.R. Oswald A.C.A.
Chartered Accountant

7 July 2002

Auditors Report to the Members of Chess Scotland

for Scottish Congress Fund - Glasgow -

for the Year Ended 30 April 2002

I have audited the Income and Expenditure Account and Balance Sheet of Chess Scotland's Scottish Congress Fund, which has been prepared under the historical cost convention.

Council's responsibility for the financial statements:-

Council is required to arrange for the management board to prepare financial statements for each financial year, which give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Scottish Congress Fund and of the surplus or deficit of the Scottish Congress Fund for that period.

Respective responsibility of council and auditors

The association's council are responsible for the preparation of financial statements.
It is my responsibility to form an independent opinion, based on my audit, on those statements and to report my opinion to you.

Basis of opinion

An audit includes examination, on a test basis, of evidence relevant to the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. It also includes an assessment of the significant estimates and judgements made by the council in the preparation of the financial statements.


In my opinion the financial statements give a true and fair view of the Scottish Congress Fund affairs at 30 April 2002 and of its surplus for the year then ended.

K.R. Oswald A.C.A.
Chartered Accountant

7 July 2002